
The Program is designed to help foreign innovative startups enter the Russian market via the Skolkovo Innovation Center. 13–17 December 34 companies from 18 different countries will have and intense 5-day long agenda. 

Head of International Startups Relations at the Skolkovo Foundation spoke about incentive Softlanding program for foreign startups.

What is the main objective of the Skolkovo Foundation and what is its relation with the VEB.RF group?

Creating a sustainable ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in Russia and supporting foreign companies willing to enter that market is the mission undertaken by the Skolkovo Foundation. Daria Shunina, Head of International Startups Relations at the Foundation, was in Lisbon at the Web Summit and in an interview with Link To Leaders spoke about incentive programs for foreigners and her relationship with Startup Portugal to boost cooperation between the two countries. 
The Skolkovo Softlanding program, an annual event aimed at helping foreign companies seeking entry into the Russian market, began its first ever session in online format. The program links up foreign companies seeking entry into the Russian market with development institutions, public authorities, partners, investors, and a network of experienced experts; it also offers detailed analysis, operational support, lectures, seminars, training, and an in-depth understanding of the Russian market.
The Skolkovo Softlanding Program is one of the simplest ways for foreign startups to achieve market entry into Russia and actively seeks out hi-tech startups working on technologies across sectors applicable to the Russian market and the Skolkovo startup ecosystem. This latest softlanding program has drawn twenty-eight companies from thirteen countries across the world.
Программа по привлечению зарубежных стартапов в Россию Skolkovo Softlanding действует уже три года. За это время ей пришлось кардинально изменить формат, перейдя полностью в онлайн. Несмотря на это, интерес к программе со стороны иностранных компаний не уменьшился. О результатах Skolkovo Softlanding рассказывает руководитель направления по привлечению иностранных стартапов Фонда «Сколково» Дарья Шунина.