Startup Application Form

What is your name? *
What is the name of your company? *
What is your e-mail address? *
What is your company's website?
What is your phone number? (WhatsApp/Telegram availability) *
What country are you based in? *
Which industry most closely fits your company? *
Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less *
When was you company founded? *
Do you have revenue? *
What problem is your company trying to solve? *
What solution do you suggest? *
Who are your competitors? *
What is your target market (B2B, B2C, youth, seniors, housewives) *
What are you looking for? (investments, expansion, contacts, partners) *
What Russian companies do you possibly want to cooperate with?
Do you have a legal entity in Russia? *
The biggest achievements of your company or facts that we need to know
How did you hear about us? *