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Daria Shunina's interview for Mayes & Co.

Daria Shunina's interview for Mayes & Co.

Head of International Startups Relations at the Skolkovo Foundation spoke about incentive Softlanding program for foreign startups.

What is the main objective of the Skolkovo Foundation and what is its relation with the VEB.RF group?

Softlanding Program
Bolshoi bulvar, 42/1 , Skolkovo Innovation Centre, Moscow
+7 915 190 51 15

Head of International Startups Relations at the Skolkovo Foundation spoke about incentive Softlanding program for foreign startups.

What is the main objective of the Skolkovo Foundation and what is its relation with the VEB.RF group?

Skolkovo Innovation Center is a large innovation hub, a territory for innovation that unites more than 3000 startups from different spheres. It has everything a startup might need starting from the kindergarten for your kids, school, hospital, finishing with professional equipment, labs, common use centers. Skolkovo Technopark is the largest technology park in Eastern Europe. We have six main areas of research: energy efficiency, IT, nuclear and radiation technologies, space technologies and telecom, biomedical technologies, agriculture. We possess core elements for successful innovation, we have an access to a network of talented people and ideas, developed infrastructure, growth potential, global partnership, a wide panel of mentors, government support, scientific and innovation framework, expertise in hosting international events, and most important – financial support. Skolkovo residents can get tax and custom benefits, they can also apply for grants to develop their product.

To make it short, Skolkovo Foundation is a non-profit organization, a managing company responsible for Skolkovo Innovation Center, a scientific and technological center for the development and commercialization of advanced technologies. 

In 2020 Skolkovo Foundation has become a part of VEB.RF group, when the government approved the concept of reorganizing the structure of development institution. The goal of the reform is to create unified mechanisms for managing institutions, eliminate the overlap of their functions with government authorities and commercial companies, and also link the goals of institutions with the goals of national development in Russia

Can you speak on the MIT Skoltech Program collaboration and what this initiative has to offer? 

Skolkovo University of Science and Technology is not just a university, it’s the brain of the Skolkovo Innovation ecosystem. It was founded in partnership with MIT in 2011. Now it’s one of the World’s Top 100 Young Universities. It has 10 Master’s programs, 7 PhD programs. The target domains: Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Cutting-edge Engineering & Advanced Materials, Photonics & Quantum Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Energy Efficiency, Advanced Studies. The education process is fully in English and free of charge, however the selection criteria is incredibly high. 

In terms of innovation, there are about 70 high-tech startups, 40 of them are Skolkovo residents. These companies have successfully registered 50 patents. It’s a great base for creation and technology development. 

As Head of International Startups Relations, what is at the top of the agenda?

As Head of International Startups Relations, my primary responsibility is attracting foreign companies to the Russian innovation ecosystem, helping them to expand business to the Russian market. On a regular basis we work with different development institutions, accelerators, incubators, technology parks, governmental organizations to promote the Program, and with a great number of various companies from all over the world. The main goals are to support startups, SMEs, to provide mentorship and networking opportunities, business development opportunities. We have a wide range of various services and support measures available for the companies. 

Three years ago we launched a wonderful program to support foreign companies willing to expand to the Russian market - Skolkovo Softlanding Program (https://sk.ru/foundation/international/softlanding/ ). It bridges the gap between startups from all around the world and the opportunities available to them in Russia. We help innovators, small and medium-sized companies to find their success on the Russian market by connecting them to the Russian companies, investors, business angels, mentors, partners and professionals. It's a one-week program, it's free of charge and we have it three times a year: March, June, October. This year it will be in the beginning of December. The deadline is end of November. Due to the pandemic situation we had to change the format into online only. However we hope that as soon as the travel restrictions are over, we will be able to invite international companies to Skolkovo. innovation Center. It's important to mention that after one week, the companies may decide whether they are interested in the Russian market or not. And if they are, then we help them to join our ecosystem. It allows them to get Skolkovo resident status and start getting significant benefits: tax benefits and an opportunity to apply for grants. 

Another important thing is knowing the trends and being familiar with the latest technological solutions. You can’t be an expert in every sphere, however, you need to have some general understanding of everything.

Moreover, you have to be a good communicator trying to find your own way to every company with its unique cultural background. 

To be honest with you, a range of my duties is very diverse, however, it makes my work special and keeps me inspired all the time. 

What do you enjoy most about your role and are there certain areas of technology which are of most interest to you?

I guess it's the biggest challenge and my favorite thing at the same time - finding the way to every company individually. So far we have had 200 startups from 50 different countries. Every country is unique, even person is special. Building trust and getting connected is the most difficult part. But it's worth it, the results can be fantastic! I believe I have learnt how to be flexible, open-minded, easy-going and tolerant. 

Talking about technology areas, I’m really interested in edtech, it has become a burning post-pandemic trend lately. Surely, I’m into IT, you just cannot avoid following the latest trends in this sphere, Greentech, Smart City, different types of social projects for  people with special needs. 

Looking back on the year what have been some of the highlights for yourself and the foundation?

This year have been extremely intense! 

First of all, pandemic situation has influenced us a lot. We had to find new formats of work, new ways of cooperation. We had to learn how to operate in a new reality. For us the process of adaptation was quick, we changed the format of main events into online, and we did it well. Now we clearly know how to work remotely without losing your productivity. 

As an example, the amount of participants of the Skolkovo Softlanding Program has been increased, a lot of new projects have been created, the profit of Skolkovo residents has been raised dramatically. There is always an opportunity in every crisis, big challenges lead to greater results. For Skolkovo Foundation it was a big challenge that had been turned into a brilliant opportunity for growth and development.

Original source: https://mayesand.co/interview-daria-shunina-head-of-startup-relations-venture-capital
